Renowned British medical journalist and chronic insomniac Dr Michael Mosley is back in Australia to wake the nation up to the dangers of poor sleep with his eye-opening new three-part series Australia’s Sleep Revolution with Dr Michael Mosley, premiering on Wednesday 6 March at 7.30pm on SBS and SBS On Demand.
The deeply personal series sees Dr Mosley join thirty of the nation’s poorest sleepers as they put their bodies on the line to trial a pioneering 8-week sleep treatment program developed by the Flinders University Sleep Institute.
Following on from Dr Mosley’s previous hit SBS series Australia’s Health Revolution, Sleep Revolution unpacks the science behind common sleep conditions like insomnia and sleep apnoea. It also highlights the shocking short and long term health effects posed by bad slumber – ranging from high blood pressure to increased risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, diabetes, depression, chronic disease and reduced life expectancy.